Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Notional Novelty

How strange it is to sit silently watching the changes rise and fall around you…knowing that perhaps there is something you could possibly do but being immobilized by ties and shortcomings beyond your control. The funny thing about life is that you tend to often judge the present and put aside allowances based on what you’d expect to happen in the days to come. You place the certainties of today based on the unsure happenings tomorrow and tend to in the process forget to cherish those things in the present day which are actually true, just and genuine. Hope like I said…it’s the weakest link second to love in humanizing the individual.

Every song of choice they say is a reflection of the person’s being. A person by that definition is the most complicated compilation of a bundle of melodies…a song waiting to be found with the lyrics that tell a distinct tale. The oddest thought yet is that no matter how complex an individual may be, how high they may place themselves in terms of intellectual capacity, musical aptitude, whatever field their interests span….at the end of the day, all this complexity can be penned down as an autobiography. Odd how despite veering to be distinct and unfathomable, their very existence can exist in the pages of a paperback book. Is that really life….? Or is it better illustrated by the unexplainable details that cannot be so well contained…the actions led by emotions.

It’s ironic how life ends up working its winding ways, you initially want something with such a vengeance that you channelize all your efforts, steer all you energy towards the attainment of that very thing…and then…once you have it…it loses it’s novelty. That however, shouldn’t be the notion loosely placed across all things…especially as in the case of human relations – where thanking the unpredictable nature of emotions and the varying means of dealing with each delicate aspect adopted by an individual, this intricate theory holds no good.

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